
When the Page Walks

With Ruby Macomber & Eric Soakai of Te Kāhui

Weekly on Wednesday, 10:00AM - 3:00PM
From 12 - 19 Apr

 When the Page Walks

Our stories are not bound to one place, and neither are their storytellers!

Taking inspiration from different landscapes, prompts, exercises and discussions, this two-day workshop will support rangatahi to create poetry, short stories, spoken word and other mediums in a safe and supportive environment.

Facilitated by award-winning poets Ruby and Eric from Te Kāhui over two consecutive Wednesdays. 

Te Kāhui curate culturally safe, equitable and accessible spaces for youth self-expression through creative writing. They are passionate for advocacy, activism and development through art.



Youth: 12 - 17

Weekly on Wednesday, 10:00AM - 3:00PM
From 12 - 19 Apr


Bookings essential.
Refreshments and all materials will be provided.

Bring an object of significance to you for a special writing prompt!

@rubyrma | @soakaiser | @te_kaahui

 When the Page Walks