Whakamana Wāhine
With Rachel Ruckstuhlmann
Wed 11 Sep 2024 10:00AM - 12:00PM
Adults: 16+
Join us for a two-hour movement and creativity hauora session.
Matariki is traditionally a time of reflection, gathering together in gratitude for the harvest and making plans for the future.
Inspired by conversation and whakatauki (proverbs) about gratitude, children will design their own visual Pukapuka Whakawhetai (gratitude journal) to take home and add to over the coming year.
Suitable for ages 4 - 14 years.
(All children must be accompanied by a guardian).
Bookings essential.
Please email lissa@ceac.org.nz to secure a spot.
Homestead Galleries
Corban Estate Arts Centre
2 Mt Lebanon Lane